
Banana/egg white/cornstarch homemade facial

Having a smooth, glowing skin is every woman's wish... Now, it is possible to have that facial that will give you the baby skin  and the material is right there in your kitchen. It is the banana mask, it will cost you almost nothing ant it will take only a few minutes.

Banana Facial

Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral that helps keep skin healthy.

• Mash ¼ of a small banana into a fine paste, which will yield about 1/8 of a cup

• In a separate bowl, briskly whisk one egg white until frothy

• While still whisking the egg, slowly add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch

• Add the mashed banana until completely blended

• Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the face and let set for 30 minutes

• Rinse completely with warm water

Banana peels can be used for beauty too!!
Just put the banana peels on the mask or on the face then leave them up to 30 minutes.

The recipe is taken from the famous TV show, The Doctors

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